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cache dir

Set/unset the cache directory location intuitively (compared to using dvc config cache), or shows the current configured value.


usage: dvc cache dir [-h] [--global | --system | --local] [-u] value

positional arguments:
  value        Path to cache directory. Relative paths are resolved
               relative to the current directory and saved to config
               relative to the config file location. If no path is
               provided, it returns the current cache directory.


Helper to set the cache.dir configuration option. (See cache directory.) Unlike doing so with dvc config cache, dvc cache dir transform paths (value) that are provided relative to the current working directory into paths relative to the config file location. However, if the value provided is an absolute path, then it's preserved as it is.

If no path value is provided to this command, it prints the path for current cache directory.


  • --global - modify a global config file (e.g. ~/.config/dvc/config) instead of the project's .dvc/config.
  • --system - modify a system config file (e.g. /etc/dvc/config) instead of .dvc/config.
  • --local - modify a local config file instead of .dvc/config. It is located in .dvc/config.local and is Git-ignored. This is useful when you need to specify private config options in your config that you don't want to track and share through Git (credentials, private locations, etc).
  • -u, --unset - remove the cache.dir config option from the config file. Don't provide a value argument when employing this flag.
  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.
  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.
  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.

Example: Using relative path

$ dvc cache dir ../dir
$ cat .dvc/config
    dir = ../../dir

../dir has been resolved relative to the .dvc/ dir, resulting in ../../dir.

Example: Using absolute path

$ dvc cache dir /path/to/dir
$ cat .dvc/config
    dir = /path/to/dir

Absolute path /path/to/dir saved as is.

Example: Getting current cache directory

$ dvc cache dir

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