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remote modify

Modify the configuration of a data remote.

This command is commonly needed after dvc remote add or default to setup credentials or other customizations to each remote storage type.


usage: dvc remote modify [-h] [--global | --system | --local] [-q | -v]
                         name option [value]

positional arguments:
  name           Name of the remote
  option         Name of the option to modify
  value          (optional) Value of the option


Remote name and option name are required. Config option names are specific to the remote type. See dvc remote add and Available settings below for a list of remote storage types.

This command modifies a remote section in the project's config file. Alternatively, dvc config or manual editing could be used to change the configuration.

Command options (flags)

  • -u, --unset - delete configuration value for the given config option. Don't provide a value when employing this flag.
  • --global - save remote configuration to the global config (e.g. ~/.config/dvc/config) instead of .dvc/config.
  • --system - save remote configuration to the system config (e.g. /etc/dvc/config) instead of .dvc/config.
  • --local - modify a local config file instead of .dvc/config. It is located in .dvc/config.local and is Git-ignored. This is useful when you need to specify private config options in your config that you don't want to track and share through Git (credentials, private locations, etc).
  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.
  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.
  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.

Available parameters for all remotes

The following config options are available for all remote types:

  • url - the remote location can always be modified. This is how DVC determines what type of remote it is, and thus which other config options can be modified (see each type in the next section for more details).

    For example, for an Amazon S3 remote (see more details in the S3 section below):

    $ dvc remote modify s3remote s3://mybucket/path

    Or a local remote (a directory in the file system):

    $ dvc remote modify localremote url /home/user/dvcstore
  • jobs - change the default number of processes for remote storage synchronization operations (see the --jobs option of dvc push, dvc pull, dvc fetch, dvc status, and dvc gc). Accepts positive integers. The default is typically 4.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote jobs 8
  • verify - upon downloading cache files (dvc pull, dvc fetch) DVC will recalculate the file hashes upon download (e.g. dvc pull) to make sure that these haven't been modified, or corrupted during download. It may slow down the aforementioned commands. The calculated hash is compared to the value saved in the corresponding DVC-file.

    Note that this option is enabled on Google Drive remotes by default.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote verify true

Available parameters per storage type

The following are the types of remote storage (protocols) and their config options:

Click for Amazon S3

By default, DVC expects your AWS CLI is already configured. DVC will be using default AWS credentials file to access S3. To override some of these settings, you could use the following options.

  • url - remote location, in the s3://<bucket>/<key> format:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url s3://mybucket/my/path
  • region - change S3 remote region:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote region us-east-2
  • profile - credentials profile name to access S3:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote profile myprofile
  • credentialpath - credentials path to access S3:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote credentialpath /path/to/my/creds
  • endpointurl - endpoint URL to access S3:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote endpointurl https://myendpoint.com
  • access_key_id - AWS Access Key ID. May be used (along with secret_access_key) instead of credentialpath:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote access_key_id my-access-key-id
  • secret_access_key - AWS Secret Access Key. May be used (along with access_key_id) instead of credentialpath:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote secret_access_key my-secret_access_key
  • use_ssl - whether or not to use SSL. By default, SSL is used.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote use_ssl false
  • listobjects - whether or not to use list_objects. By default, list_objects_v2 is used. Useful for ceph and other S3 emulators.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote listobjects true
  • sse - server-side encryption algorithm to use (e.g. AES256, aws:kms). By default, no encryption is used.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote sse AES256
  • sse_kms_key_id - identifier of the key to encrypt data uploaded when using SSE-KMS. Required when the sse parameter (above) is set to aws:kms. This parameter will be passed directly to AWS S3 functions, so DVC supports any value that S3 supports, including both key ids and aliases.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote sse_kms_key_id mykeyid_or_alias
  • acl - set object level access control list (ACL) such as private, public-read, etc. By default, no ACL is specified.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote acl bucket-owner-full-control
  • grant_read* - grants READ permissions at object level access control list for specific grantees**. Grantee can read object and its metadata.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote grant_read \
  • grant_read_acp* - grants READ_ACP permissions at object level access control list for specific grantees**. Grantee can read the object's ACP.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote grant_read_acp \
  • grant_write_acp* - grants WRITE_ACP permissions at object level access control list for specific grantees**. Grantee can modify the object's ACP.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote grant_write_acp \
  • grant_full_control* - grants FULL_CONTROL permissions at object level access control list for specific grantees**. Equivalent of grantread + grantreadacp + grantwrite_acp

    $ dvc remote modify myremote grant_full_control \

    * grant_read, grant_read_acp, grant_write_acp and grant_full_control params are mutually exclusive with acl.

    ** default ACL grantees are overwritten. Grantees are AWS accounts identifiable by id (AWS Canonical User ID), emailAddress or uri (predefined group).


S3 remotes can also be configured entirely via environment variables:

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<my-access-key>'
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<my-secret-key>'
$ dvc remote add -d myremote s3://mybucket/my/path

For more information about the variables DVC supports, please visit boto3 documentation

Click for S3 API compatible storage

To communicate with a remote object storage that supports an S3 compatible API (e.g. Minio, DigitalOcean Spaces, IBM Cloud Object Storage etc.), configure the remote's endpointurl explicitly:

$ dvc remote add -d myremote s3://mybucket/path/to/dir
$ dvc remote modify myremote endpointurl \

Besides that, any settings that are available for Amazon S3 (see previous section) may be available for S3 compatible storage. For example, let's setup a DVC remote using the example-name DigitalOcean space (equivalent to a bucket in AWS) in the nyc3 region:

$ dvc remote add -d myremote s3://example-name/path/to/use
$ dvc remote modify myremote endpointurl \
Click for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  • url - remote location, in the azure://<container>/<object> format:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url azure://mycontainer/path
  • connection_string - connection string:

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote connection_string \

The connection string contains sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add it with the --local option, so it's written to a Git-ignored config file.

For more information on configuring Azure Storage connection strings, visit here.

Click for Google Drive

Please see Setup a Google Drive DVC Remote for a full guide on using Google Drive as DVC remote storage.

  • url - remote location. See valid URL format.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url \
  • gdrive_client_id - Client ID for authentication with OAuth 2.0 when using a custom Google Client project. Also requires using gdrive_client_secret.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote gdrive_client_id <client ID>
  • gdrive_client_secret - Client secret for authentication with OAuth 2.0 when using a custom Google Client project. Also requires using gdrive_client_id.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote gdrive_client_secret <client secret>
  • gdrive_user_credentials_file - path where DVC stores OAuth credentials to access Google Drive data. .dvc/tmp/gdrive-user-credentials.json by default.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote gdrive_user_credentials_file \

See Authorization for more details.

  • gdrive_trash_only - configures dvc gc to move remote files to trash instead of deleting them permanently. false by default, meaning "delete". Useful for shared drives/folders, where delete permissions may not be given.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote gdrive_trash_only true

Please note our Privacy Policy (Google APIs).

For service accounts:

A service account is a Google account associated with your GCP project, and not a specific user. Please refer to Using service accounts for more information.

  • gdrive_use_service_account - instructs DVC to authenticate using a service account instead of OAuth. Make sure that the service account has read/write access (as needed) to the file structure in the remote url.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote gdrive_use_service_account true
  • gdrive_service_account_email - email address of the Google Project's service account when gdrive_use_service_account is on. Also requires using gdrive_service_account_p12_file_path.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote \
                      gdrive_service_account_email <service acct email>
  • gdrive_service_account_p12_file_path - Google Project's service account .p12 file path when gdrive_use_service_account is on. Also requires using gdrive_service_account_email.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote \
                      gdrive_service_account_p12_file_path \
  • gdrive_service_account_user_email - email of a user account to impersonate with the service account. Optional when gdrive_use_service_account is on.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote \
                      gdrive_service_account_user_email <user email>
Click for Google Cloud Storage
  • url - remote location, in the gs://<bucket>/<object> format:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url gs://my-bucket/path
  • projectname - override or provide a project name to use, if a default one is not set.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote projectname myproject

For service accounts:

A service account is a Google account associated with your GCP project, and not a specific user. Please refer to Using service accounts for more information.

  • credentialpath - path to the file that contains the service account key. Make sure that the service account has read/write access (as needed) to the file structure in the remote url.

    $ dvc remote modify \
        myremote credentialpath '/home/.../project-XXXXXXX.json'

    Alternatively, the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var can be set:

    $ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='.../project-XXXXXXX.json'
Click for Aliyun OSS
  • url - remote location, in the oss://<bucket>/<object> format:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url oss://my-bucket/path
  • oss_endpoint - OSS endpoint values for accessing the remote container.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote oss_endpoint endpoint
  • oss_key_id - OSS key ID to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote --local oss_key_id my-key-id
  • oss_key_secret - OSS secret key for authorizing access into the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote --local oss_key_secret my-key-secret

The key ID and secret key contain sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add them with the --local option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.

Click for SSH
  • url - remote location, in a regular SSH format:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url \

    ⚠️ DVC requires both SSH and SFTP access to work with remote SSH locations. Please check that you are able to connect both ways with tools like ssh and sftp (GNU/Linux).

    Note that your server's SFTP root might differ from its physical root (/).

  • user - username to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser

    The order in which DVC picks the username:

    1. user parameter set with this command (found in .dvc/config);
    2. User defined in the URL (e.g. ssh://user@example.com/path);
    3. User defined in ~/.ssh/config for this host (URL);
    4. Current user
  • port - port to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote port 2222

    The order in which DVC decide the port number:

    1. port parameter set with this command (found in .dvc/config);
    2. Port defined in the URL (e.g. ssh://example.com:1234/path);
    3. Port defined in ~/.ssh/config for this host (URL);
    4. Default SSH port 22
  • keyfile - path to private key to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote keyfile /path/to/keyfile
  • password - a private key passphrase or a password to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword

The username and password (may) contain sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add them with the --local option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.

  • ask_password - ask for a private key passphrase or a password to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
  • gss_auth - use Generic Security Services authentication if available on host (for example, with kerberos). Using this param requires paramiko[gssapi], which is currently only supported by our pip package, and could be installed with pip install 'dvc[ssh_gssapi]'. Other packages (Conda, Windows, and MacOS PKG) do not support it.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote gss_auth true
  • allow_agent - whether to use SSH agents (true by default). Setting this to false is useful when ssh-agent is causing problems, such as a "No existing session" error:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote allow_agent false
Click for HDFS

💡 Using a HDFS cluster as remote storage is also supported via the WebHDFS API. Read more about by expanding the WebHDFS section in dvc remote add.

  • url - remote location:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url hdfs://user@example.com/path/to/dir
  • user - username to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser

The username may contain sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add it with the --local option, so it's written to a Git-ignored config file.

Click for HTTP
  • url - remote location:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url https://example.com/path/to/dir

    The URL can include a query string, which will be preserved (e.g. example.com?loc=path%2Fto%2Fdir)

  • auth - authentication method to use when accessing the remote. The accepted values are:

    • basic - basic authentication scheme. user and password (or ask_password) parameters should also be configured.
    • digest - digest Access Authentication Scheme. user and password (or ask_password) parameters should also be configured.
    • custom - an additional HTTP header field will be set for all HTTP requests to the remote in the form: custom_auth_header: password. custom_auth_header and password (or ask_password) parameters should also be configured.
    $ dvc remote modify myremote auth basic
  • method - override the HTTP method to use for file uploads (e.g. PUT should be used for Artifactory). By default, POST is used.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote method PUT
  • custom_auth_header - HTTP header field name to use when the auth parameter is set to custom.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote custom_auth_header My-Header
  • user - username to use when the auth parameter is set to basic or digest.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser

    The order in which DVC picks the username:

    1. user parameter set with this command (found in .dvc/config);
    2. User defined in the URL (e.g. http://user@example.com/path);
  • password - password to use for any auth method.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote --local password mypassword

The username and password (may) contain sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add them with the --local option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.

  • ask_password - ask each time for the password to use for any auth method.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true

    Note that the password parameter takes precedence over ask_password. If password is specified, DVC will not prompt the user to enter a password for this remote.

  • ssl_verify - allows to disable SSH verification, which is enabled by default.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote ssl_verify false
Click for WebHDFS

💡 WebHDFS serves as an alternative for using the same remote storage supported by HDFS. Read more about by expanding the WebHDFS section in dvc remote add.

  • url - remote location:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url webhdfs://user@example.com/path/to/dir
  • user - username to access the remote, can be empty in case of using token or if using a HdfsCLI cfg file. May only be used when Hadoop security is off. Defaults to current user as determined by whoami.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser
  • token - Hadoop delegation token for WebHDFS, can be empty in case of using user or if using a HdfsCLI cfg file. May be used when Hadoop security is on.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote token mytoken
  • hdfscli_config - path to a HdfsCLI cfg file. WebHDFS access depends on HdfsCLI, which allows the usage of a configuration file by default located in ~/.hdfscli.cfg. In the file, multiple aliases can be set with their own connection parameters, like url or user. If using a cfg file, webhdfs_alias can be set to specify which alias to use.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote hdfscli_config `/path/to/.hdfscli.cfg`

    Sample configuration file:

    default.alias = myalias
    url = http://example.com/path/to/dir
    user = myuser
    url = http://prodexample.com/path/to/dir
    user = produser

    See more information in the HdfsCLI docs.

  • webhdfs_alias - alias in a HdfsCLI cfg file to use. Only relevant if used in conjunction with hdfscli_config. If not defined, default.alias in HdfsCLI cfg file will be used instead.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote webhdfs_alias myalias

The username, token, webhdfsalias, and hdfscliconfig may contain sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add it with the --local option, so it's written to a Git-ignored config file.

Click for WebDAV
  • url - remote location:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url \
  • token - token for WebDAV server, can be empty in case of using user/password authentication.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote token '<mytoken>'
  • user - username for WebDAV server, can be empty in case of using token authentication.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote user myuser

    The order in which DVC searches for username is:

    1. user parameter set with this command (found in .dvc/config);
    2. User defined in the URL (e.g. webdavs://user@example.com/endpoint/path)
  • password - password for WebDAV server, can be empty in case of using token authentication.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword

The username, password, and token (may) contain sensitive user info. Therefore, it's safer to add them with the --local option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.

Note that user/password and token authentication are incompatible. You should authenticate against yout WebDAV remote by either user/password or token.

  • ask_password - ask each time for the password to use for user/password authentication. This has no effect if password or token are set.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true
  • cert_path - path to certificate used for WebDAV server authentication, if you need to use local client side certificates.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote cert_path /path/to/cert
  • key_path - path to private key to use to access a remote. Only has an effect in combination with cert_path.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote key_path /path/to/key

    Note that the certificate in cert_path might already contain the private key.

  • timeout - connection timeout (in seconds) for WebDAV server (default: 30).

    $ dvc remote modify myremote timeout 120

Example: Customize an S3 remote

Let's first set up a default S3 remote.

💡 Before adding an S3 remote, be sure to Create a Bucket.

$ dvc remote add -d myremote s3://mybucket/path
Setting 'myremote' as a default remote.

Modify its access profile:

$ dvc remote modify myremote profile myusername

Now the project config file should look like this:

['remote "myremote"']
url = s3://mybucket/path
profile = myusername
remote = myremote