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remote rename

Rename a data remote. The remote's URL is not changed by this command.


usage: dvc remote rename [-h] [--global | --system | --local] [-q | -v]
                         name new

positional arguments:
  name           Remote to be renamed
  new            New name of the remote


This command modify a section in the DVC config file. Alternatively, it is possible to edit config files manually.

See also dvc remote modify to change other aspects of remote configuration, such as the URL or access credentials.

Both name and new arguments are required, with the old and new names for the DVC remote, respectively.


  • --global - modify remote configuration to the global config (e.g. ~/.config/dvc/config) instead of .dvc/config.
  • --system - modify remote configuration to the system config (e.g. /etc/dvc/config) instead of .dvc/config.
  • --local - modify a local config file instead of .dvc/config. It is located in .dvc/config.local and is Git-ignored.
  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.
  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.
  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


Add Amazon S3 remote:

$ dvc remote add myremote s3://mybucket/path

Rename it:

$ dvc remote rename myremote s3remote

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