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metrics show

Print metrics, with optional formatting.


usage: dvc metrics show [-h] [-q | -v] [-a] [-T] [--all-commits] [-R]
                        [targets [targets ...]]

positional arguments:
  targets               Limit command scope to these metrics files.
                        Using -R, directories to search metrics files
                        in can also be given.


Finds and prints all metrics in the project by examining all of its DVC-files.

If targets are provided, it will show those specific metrics files instead. With the -a or -T options, this command shows the different metrics values across all Git branches or tags, respectively. With the -R option, some of the target can even be directories, so that DVC recursively shows all metrics files inside.

An alternative way to display metrics is the dvc metrics diff command, which compares them with a previous version.


  • -a, --all-branches - print metrics file contents in all Git branches instead of just those present in the current workspace. It can be used to compare different experiments. Note that this can be combined with -T below, for example using the -aT flag.
  • -T, --all-tags - same as -a above, but applies to Git tags as well as the workspace. Note that both options can be combined, for example using the -aT flag.
  • --all-commits - same as -a or -T above, but applies to all Git commits as well as the workspace. This prints metrics in the entire commit history of the project.
  • --show-json - prints the command's output in easily parsable JSON format, instead of a human-readable table.
  • -R, --recursive - determines the metrics files to show by searching each target directory and its subdirectories for DVC-files to inspect. If there are no directories among the targets, this option is ignored.
  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.
  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.
  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


This example is based on the evaluate stage of our Get Started, where you can find the actual source code.

The basic use case shows the values in the current workspace:

$ dvc metrics show
                AUC: 0.66729
                error: 0.16982
                TP: 516

To see the history of the metrics starting with the workspace and down the Git history use --all-commits option:

$ dvc metrics show --all-commits
                AUC: 0.66729
                error: 0.16982
                TP: 516
                AUC: 0.65115
                error: 0.17304
                TP: 528
                AUC: 0.65115
                error: 0.17304
                TP: 528

Metrics from different branches can be shown by --all-branches (-a) option:

$ dvc metrics show -a
                AUC: 0.66729
                error: 0.16982
                TP: 516
                AUC: 0.65115
                error: 0.17304
                TP: 528
                AUC: 0.66524
                error: 0.17074
                TP: 521

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