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Get Started: Data Pipelines

Versioning large data files and directories for data science is great, but not enough. How is data filtered, transformed, or used to train ML models? DVC introduces a mechanism to capture data pipelines — series of data processes that produce a final result.

DVC pipelines and their data can also be easily versioned (using Git). This allows you to better organize projects, and reproduce your workflow and results later — exactly as they were built originally! For example, you could capture a simple ETL workflow, organize a data science project, or build a detailed machine learning pipeline.

Watch and learn, or follow along with the code example below!

Pipeline stages

Use dvc run to create stages. These represent processes (source code tracked with Git) that form the steps of a pipeline. Stages also connect code to its data input and output. Let's transform a Python script into a stage:

⚙️ Expand to download example code.

Get the sample code like this:

$ wget https://code.dvc.org/get-started/code.zip
$ unzip code.zip
$ rm -f code.zip
$ tree
├── params.yaml
└── src
    ├── evaluate.py
    ├── featurization.py
    ├── prepare.py
    ├── requirements.txt
    └── train.py

Now let's install the requirements:

We strongly recommend creating a virtual environment first.

$ pip install -r src/requirements.txt

Please also add or commit the source code directory with Git at this point.

$ dvc run -n prepare \
          -p prepare.seed,prepare.split \
          -d src/prepare.py -d data/data.xml \
          -o data/prepared \
          python src/prepare.py data/data.xml

A dvc.yaml file is generated. It includes information about the command we ran (python src/prepare.py), its dependencies, and outputs.

💡 Expand to see what happens under the hood.

The command options used above mean the following:

  • -n prepare specifies a name for the stage. If you open the dvc.yaml file you will see a section named prepare.
  • -p prepare.seed,prepare.split is a special type of dependencies - parameters. We'll get to them later in the Experiments section, but the idea is that stage can depend on field values from a parameters file (params.yaml by default):
  split: 0.20
  seed: 20170428
  • -d src/prepare.py and -d data/data.xml mean that the stage depends on these files to work. Notice that the source code itself is marked as a dependency. If any of these files change later, DVC will know that this stage needs to be reproduced.
  • -o data/prepared specifies an output directory for this script, which writes two files in it. This is how the workspace should look like now:

    ├── data
    │   ├── data.xml
    │   ├── data.xml.dvc
    +│   └── prepared
    +│       ├── test.tsv
    +│       └── train.tsv
    +├── dvc.yaml
    +├── dvc.lock
    ├── params.yaml
    └── src
       ├── ...
  • The last line, python src/prepare.py ..., is the command to run in this stage, and it's saved to the stage file, as shown below.

The resulting prepare stage in the dvc.yaml contains all of the information above:

    cmd: python src/prepare.py data/data.xml
      - data/data.xml
      - src/prepare.py
      - prepare.seed
      - prepare.split
      - data/prepared

There's no need to use dvc add for DVC to track stage outputs (data/prepared in this case); dvc run already took care of this. You only need to run dvc push if you want to save them to remote storage, (usually along with git commit to version the stage file itself).

Dependency graphs (DAGs)

By using dvc run multiple times, and specifying outputs of a stage as dependencies of another one, we can describe a sequence of commands that gets to a desired result. This is what we call a data pipeline or dependency graph.

Let's create a second stage chained to the outputs of prepare, to perform feature extraction:

$ dvc run -n featurize \
          -p featurize.max_features,featurize.ngrams \
          -d src/featurization.py -d data/prepared \
          -o data/features \
          python src/featurization.py data/prepared data/features

The dvc.yaml file is updated automatically and should include two stages now.

💡 Expand to see what happens under the hood.

The changes to the dvc.yaml should look like this:

    cmd: python src/prepare.py data/data.xml
    - data/data.xml
    - src/prepare.py
    - prepare.seed
    - prepare.split
    - data/prepared
+  featurize:
+    cmd: python src/featurization.py data/prepared data/features
+    deps:
+    - data/prepared
+    - src/featurization.py
+    params:
+    - featurize.max_features
+    - featurize.ngrams
+    outs:
+    - data/features
⚙️ Expand to add more stages.

Let's add the training itself. Nothing new this time, the same dvc run command with the same set of options:

$ dvc run -n train \
          -p train.seed,train.n_estimators \
          -d src/train.py -d data/features \
          -o model.pkl \
          python src/train.py data/features model.pkl

Please check the dvc.yaml again, it should have one more stage now.

This should be a good point to commit the changes with Git. These include .gitignore, dvc.lock, and dvc.yaml — which describe our pipeline.


The whole point of creating this dvc.yaml pipeline file is an ability to reproduce the pipeline:

$ dvc repro
⚙️ Expand to have some fun with it

Let's try to play a little bit with it. First, let's try to change one of the parameters for the training stage:

$ vim params.yaml

Change n_estimators to 100 and run dvc repro, you should see:

$ dvc repro
Stage 'prepare' didn't change, skipping
Stage 'featurize' didn't change, skipping
Running stage 'train' with command: ...

DVC detected that only train should be run, and skipped everything else! All the intermediate results are being reused.

Now, let's change it back to 50 and run dvc repro again:

$ dvc repro
Stage 'prepare' didn't change, skipping
Stage 'featurize' didn't change, skipping

Same as before, no need to run prepare, featurize, etc … but, it doesn't run even train again this time either! It cached the previous run with the same set of inputs (parameters + data) and reused it.

💡 Expand to see what happens under the hood.

dvc repro relies on the DAG definition that it reads from dvc.yaml, and uses dvc.lock to determine what exactly needs to be run.

dvc.lock file is similar to .dvc files and captures hashes (in most cases md5s) of the dependencies, values of the parameters that were used, it can be considered a state of the pipeline:

  cmd: python src/prepare.py data/data.xml
    - path: data/data.xml
      md5: a304afb96060aad90176268345e10355
    - path: src/prepare.py
      md5: 285af85d794bb57e5d09ace7209f3519
      prepare.seed: 20170428
      prepare.split: 0.2
    - path: data/prepared
      md5: 20b786b6e6f80e2b3fcf17827ad18597.dir

dvc status command can be used to compare this state with an actual state of the workspace.

DVC pipelines (dvc.yaml file, dvc run, and dvc repro commands) solve a few important problems:

  • Automation - run a sequence of steps in a "smart" way that makes iterating on your project faster. DVC automatically determines which parts of a project need to be run, and it caches "runs" and their results, to avoid unnecessary re-runs.
  • Reproducibility - dvc.yaml and dvc.lock files describe what data to use and which commands will generate the pipeline results (such as an ML model). Storing these files in Git makes it easy to version and share.
  • Continuous Delivery and Continuous Integration (CI/CD) for ML - describing projects in way that it can be reproduced (built) is the first necessary step before introducing CI/CD systems. See our sister project, CML for some examples.


Having built our pipeline, we need a good way to understand its structure. Seeing a graph of connected stage files would help. DVC lets you do just that, without leaving the terminal!

$ dvc dag
         | prepare |
        | featurize |
         **        **
       **            *
      *               **
+-------+               *
| train |             **
+-------+            *
         **        **
           **    **
             *  *
        | evaluate |

Refer to dvc dag to explore other ways this command can visualize a pipeline.


▶️ It can be run online:

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