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params diff

Show changes in parameter dependencies between commits in the DVC repository, or between a commit and the workspace.


usage: dvc params diff [-h] [-q | -v] [--all] [--show-json] [--show-md]
                       [a_rev] [b_rev]

positional arguments:
  a_rev          Old Git commit to compare (defaults to HEAD)
  b_rev          New Git commit to compare (defaults to the
                 current workspace)


This command provides a quick way to compare parameter values among experiments in the repository history. Requires that Git is being used to version the project params.

Parameter dependencies are defined with the -p option in dvc run. See also dvc params.

Run without arguments, this command compares parameters currently present in the workspace (uncommitted changes) with the latest committed version.

Supported parameter value types are: string, integer, float, and arrays. DVC itself does not ascribe any specific meaning for these values.

โ— By default it only shows parameters that were changed.


  • --all - prints all parameters including not changed.
  • --show-json - prints the command's output in easily parsable JSON format, instead of a human-readable table.
  • --show-md - prints the command's output in the Markdown table format.
  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.
  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.
  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


Let's create a simple YAML parameters file named params.yaml (default params file name, see dvc params to learn more):

lr: 0.0041

  epochs: 70
  layers: 9

  thresh: 0.98
  bow: 15000

Define a pipeline stage with parameter dependencies:

$ dvc run -n train \
          -d train.py -d users.csv -o model.pkl \
          -p lr,train \
          python train.py

Let's now print parameter values that we are tracking in this project:

$ dvc params diff
Path         Param           Old   New
params.yaml  lr              โ€”     0.0041
params.yaml  process.bow     โ€”     15000
params.yaml  process.thresh  โ€”     0.98
params.yaml  train.epochs    โ€”     70
params.yaml  train.layers    โ€”     9

The command above shows the difference in parameters between the workspace and the last committed version of the params file params.yaml. Since it did not exist before, all Old values are โ€”.

In a project with parameters file history (params present in various Git commits), you will see both Old and New values. However, the parameters won't be shown if there are no changes:

$ dvc params diff
Path         Param         Old     New
params.yaml  lr            0.0041  0.0043
params.yaml  train.layers  9       7
params.yaml  train.epochs  70      110

Specify --all option to see all the parameters including not changed ones:

$ dvc params diff --all
Path         Param           Old     New
params.yaml  lr              0.0041  0.0043
params.yaml  process.bow     15000   15000
params.yaml  process.thresh  0.98    0.98
params.yaml  train.layers    9       7
params.yaml  train.epochs    70      110

To compare parameters with a specific commit, a tag or any revision can be specified, as an additional command line parameter:

$ dvc params diff e12b167
Path         Param         Old     New
params.yaml  lr            0.0038  0.0043
params.yaml  train.epochs  70      110

Note that the train.layers parameter disappeared because its value was not changed between the current version in the workspace and the given one (e12b167).

To see the difference between two specific commits, both need to be specified:

$ dvc params diff e12b167 HEAD^
Path         Param         Old     New
params.yaml  lr            0.0038  0.0041
params.yaml  train.layers  10      9
params.yaml  train.epochs  50      70

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