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Show changes in the project pipelines, as well as file mismatches either between the cache and workspace, or between the cache and remote storage.


usage: dvc status [-h] [-v] [-j <number>] [-q] [-c] [-r <name>] [-a] [-T]
                  [--all-commits] [-d] [-R] [--show-json]
                  [targets [targets ...]]

positional arguments:
  targets       Limit command scope to these tracked files/directories,
                .dvc files, or stage names.


Searches for changes in the existing tracked data and pipelines, either showing which files or directories have changed in the workspace and should be added or reproduced again (with dvc add or dvc repro); or differences between cache vs. remote storage (implying dvc push or dvc pull should be run to synchronize them). The remote mode is triggered by using the --cloud or --remote options:

localnoneComparisons are made between data files in the workspace and corresponding files in the cache directory (e.g. .dvc/cache)
remote--remoteComparisons are made between the cache, and the given remote. Remote storage is defined using the dvc remote command.
remote--cloudComparisons are made between the cache, and the default remote (typically defined with dvc remote --default).

Without arguments, this command checks all stages (defined in dvc.yaml) and .dvc files, and compares the hash values of their outputs (found in dvc.lock for stages) against the actual data files or directories in the workspace. The --all-branches, --all-tags, and --all-commits options enable checking data for multiple Git commits.

The targets given to this command (if any) limit what to check. It accepts paths to tracked files or directories (including paths inside tracked directories), .dvc files, and stage names (found in dvc.yaml).

If no differences are detected, dvc status prints Data and pipelines are up to date. or Cache and remote 'myremote' are in sync (if using the -c or -r options are used). If differences are detected, the changes in dependencies and/or outputs for each stage that differs are listed. For each item listed, either the file name or hash is shown, along with a state description, as detailed below:

Local workspace status

  • changed checksum means that the .dvc file hash has changed (e.g. someone manually edited it).
  • always changed means that this is a .dvc file with no dependencies (see dvc add) or that the stage in dvc.yaml has the always_changed: true value set (see --always-changed option in dvc run).
  • changed deps or changed outs means that there are changes in dependencies or outputs tracked by the stage or .dvc file. Depending on the use case, commands like dvc commit, dvc repro, or dvc run can be used to update the file. Possible states are:

    • new: An output is found in the workspace, but there is no corresponding file hash saved in the dvc.lock or .dvc file yet.
    • modified: An output or dependency is found in the workspace, but the corresponding file hash in the dvc.lock or .dvc file is not up to date.
    • deleted: The output or dependency is referenced in a dvc.lock or .dvc file, but does not exist in the workspace.
    • not in cache: An output exists in the workspace, and the corresponding file hash in the dvc.lock or .dvc file is up to date, but there is no corresponding cache file or directory.
  • update available means that an import stage is outdated (the original data source has changed). The imported data can be brought to its latest version by using dvc update.

Comparison against remote storage

  • new means that the file/directory exists in the cache but not in remote storage.
  • deleted means that the file/directory doesn't exist in the cache, but exists in remote storage.
  • missing means that the file/directory doesn't exist neither in cache, nor in remote storage.

For new and deleted data, the cache is different from remote storage. Bringing the two into sync requires dvc pull or dvc push. For the typical process to update the workspace, see Sharing Data And Model Files.

For missing data, there's nothing to retrieve from storage. This can happen for example in fresh DVC repository clones if the data wasn't uploaded from the original repo, or after certain uses of dvc gc. You can try dvc repro to regenerate the output locally, and dvc push remotely after that.


  • -c, --cloud - enables comparison against a remote (see dvc remote). If the --remote option is not used, DVC will compare against the default remote (specified in the core.remote config option).
  • -a, --all-branches - compares cache content against all Git branches instead of just the current workspace. This basically runs the same status command in every branch of this repo. The corresponding branches are shown in the status output. Applies only if --cloud or a -r remote is specified. Note that this can be combined with -T below, for example using the -aT flag.
  • -T, --all-tags - same as -a above, but applies to Git tags as well as the workspace. Note that both options can be combined, for example using the -aT flag.
  • -R, --recursive - determines the files to check status for by searching each target directory and its subdirectories for stages (in dvc.yaml) and .dvc files to inspect. If there are no directories among the targets, this option is ignored.
  • --show-json - prints the command's output in easily parsable JSON format, instead of a human-readable table.
  • --all-commits - same as -a or -T above, but applies to all Git commits as well as the workspace. This compares the cache content for the entire commit history of the project.
  • -d, --with-deps - determines files to check by tracking dependencies to the targets. If none are provided, this option is ignored. By traversing all stage dependencies, DVC searches backward from the target stages in the corresponding pipelines. This means DVC will not show changes occurring in later stages than the targets. Applies whether or not --cloud is specified.
  • -r <name>, --remote <name> - specifies which remote storage (see dvc remote list) to compare against. Implies --cloud.
  • -j <number>, --jobs <number> - parallelism level for DVC to retrieve information from remote storage. This only applies when the --cloud option is used, or a --remote is given. The default value is 4 * cpu_count(). For SSH remotes, the default is 4. Note that the default value can be set using the jobs config option with dvc remote modify. Using more jobs may speed up the operation.
  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.
  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if data and pipelines are up to date, otherwise 1.
  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


$ dvc status
	changed deps:
		modified:           baz
	changed outs:
		modified:           foo
	changed deps:
		modified:           foo
	changed outs:
		deleted:            bar
	changed outs:
		modified:           baz

This shows that for stage dofoo, the dependency baz and the output foo have changed. Likewise for stage dobar, the dependency foo has changed and the output bar doesn't exist in the workspace. For baz.dvc, the file baz tracked by it has changed.

Example: Specific files or directories

dvc status only checks the tracked data corresponding to any given targets:

$ dvc status foo.dvc dobar
	changed outs:
		modified:            foo
	changed checksum
	changed deps:
		modified:           foo
	changed outs:
		not in cache:       bar

In this case, the target foo.dvc is a .dvc file to track the foo file, while dobar is the name of a stage defined in dvc.yaml.

Note that you can check data within directories tracked, such as the data/raw directory (tracked with data/raw.dvc):

$ tree data
├── raw
│   ├── partition.1.dat
│   ├── ...
│   └── partition.n.dat
└── raw.dvc

$ dvc fetch data/raw/partition.1.dat
new:                data/raw

Example: Dependencies

$ vi code/featurization.py
... edit the code

$ dvc status model.p
Data and pipelines are up to date.

$ dvc status model.p --with-deps
	changed deps:
		modified:  code/featurization.py

The dvc status command may be limited to a target that had no changes, but by adding --with-deps, any change in a preceding stage will be found.

Example: Remote comparisons

Let's now assume that we have a shared remote on S3: and would like to check what files we have generated but haven't pushed to the remote yet:

$ dvc remote list
storage	s3://bucket/path

And would like to check what files we have generated but haven't pushed to the remote yet:

$ dvc status --remote storage
	new:      data/model.p
	new:      data/eval.txt
	new:      data/matrix-train.p
	new:      data/matrix-test.p

The output shows where the location of the remote storage is, as well as any differences between the cache and storage remote.

Example: Check imported data

Let's import a data file (data.csv) from a different DVC repository into our current project using dvc import.

$ dvc import different/repo/location data.csv

The resulting data.csv.dvc file is called an import stage. If the original file or directory changes later, dvc status will show update available as output:

$ dvc status
	changed deps:
		update available:   data.csv (different/repo/location)

The imported data can be brought to its latest version by using dvc update.