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A set of commands to display and compare metrics: show, and diff.


usage: dvc metrics [-h] [-q | -v] {show,diff} ...

positional arguments:
    show                Print metrics, with optional formatting
    diff                Show changes in metrics between commits.

Types of metrics

DVC has two concepts for metrics, that represent different results of machine learning training or data processing:

  1. dvc metrics represent scalar numbers such as AUC, true positive rate, etc.
  2. dvc plots can be used to visualize data series such as AUC curves, loss functions, confusion matrices, etc.


In order to follow the performance of machine learning experiments, DVC has the ability to mark a certain stage outputs as metrics. These metrics are project-specific floating-point or integer values e.g. AUC, ROC, false positives, etc.

This type of metrics files are typically generated by user data processing code, and are tracked using the -m (--metrics) and -M (--metrics-no-cache) options of dvc run.

In contrast to dvc plots, these metrics should be stored in hierarchical files. Unlike its dvc plots counterpart, dvc metrics diff can report the numeric difference between the metrics in different experiments, for example an AUC metrics that is 0.801807 and gets increase by +0.037826:

$ dvc metrics diff
    Path       Metric    Value      Change
summary.json   AUC      0.801807   0.037826

dvc metrics subcommands by default use the metrics files specified in dvc.yaml (if any), for example summary.json below:

    cmd: python train.py
      - users.csv
      - model.pkl
      - summary.json:
          cache: false

cache: false above specifies that summary.json is not tracked or cached by DVC (-M option of dvc run). These metrics files are normally committed with Git instead. See dvc.yaml for more information on the file format above.

Supported file formats

Metrics can be organized as tree hierarchies in JSON or YAML 1.2 files. DVC addresses specific metrics by the tree path. In the JSON example below, five metrics are presented: train.accuracy, train.loss, train.TN, train.FP and time_real.

  "train": {
    "accuracy": 0.9886999726295471,
    "loss": 0.041855331510305405,
    "TN": 473,
    "FP": 845
  "time_real": 344.61309599876404

DVC itself does not ascribe any specific meaning for these numbers. Usually they are produced by the model training or model evaluation code and serve as a way to compare and pick the best performing experiment.


  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.
  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.
  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


This example is based on our Get Started, where you can find the actual source code.

First, let's imagine we have a simple stage that produces a eval.json metrics file:

$ dvc run -n evaluate -d code/evaluate.py -M eval.json \
          python code/evaluate.py

-M (--metrics-no-cache) tells DVC to mark eval.json as a metrics file, without tracking it directly (You can track it with Git). See dvc run for more info.

Now let's print metrics values that we are tracking in this project, using dvc metrics show:

$ dvc metrics show
                AUC: 0.66729
                error: 0.16982
                TP: 516

When there are metrics file changes (before committing them with Git), the dvc metrics diff command shows the difference between metrics values:

$ dvc metrics diff
Path       Metric    Value    Change
eval.json  ACU       0.66729  0.01614
eval.json  error     0.16982  0.00322
eval.json  TP        516      -12

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